Porcelain Veneers for our Odessa Patients

Asymmetrical, bright smile offers you improved self-confidence and many other personal benefits. Veneers are an effective way to address cosmetic dental issues including stains, chips, and cracks that bar you from feeling comfortable with your smile.

At Parks Legado Dentistry in Odessa, Dr. Bernard Char personalizes your veneers to match the shade and shape of your teeth, enhancing the unique beauty in every patient. We are focused on delivering quality cosmetic treatment so you can enjoy life with a full smile.

Improving Your Smile with Veneers

Veneers are adaptable to many kinds of dental issues that affect how your teeth look. They can resolve:

  • Thin Teeth
  • Uneven Teeth
  • Minor Gaps and Crookedness
  • Chips and Cracks
  • Internal Staining (Tetracycline and Medications)
  • Fluorosis (Excessive Fluoride Intake)

Whether these problems occur naturally, or they’re a result of wear and tear, veneers help to cover them completely. These prosthetics are porcelain shells that are placed over prepared teeth. The shells are made to look full and beautiful just like real teeth.

Are Veneers Customized?

Before you’re given treatment, Dr. Char examines your teeth. It’s important for patients to be in good oral health, otherwise, the veneers will not last. If necessary, existing oral health concerns will be addressed. Then, patients are given a veneer consultation, where he listens to your goals. He will determine if veneers are right for you.

Your porcelain shells are custom-made according to Dr. Char’s specifications. He uses digital technology to plan your treatment, and upon request, he will even prepare a wax model of the veneers applied to your smile. It’s his goal to make your veneers as perfect as possible and takes the time to do so.

Also Offering Lumineers®

Lumineers are similar to veneers in their design but are positioned to the front portion of your tooth instead of covering it completely. These can be used to correct minor cosmetic problems, but are not the best option in all cases. Teeth alignment is the determining factor, as Lumineers will not last if another tooth is constantly coming into contact.

Contact Parks Legado Dentistry for Cosmetic Veneer Treatment

Call or visit our Odessa practice to schedule a veneer consultation! Dr. Char and our team look forward to meeting you!


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Parks Legado Dentistry
Creating Beautiful Smiles


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Parks Legado Dentistry | 7270 East Hwy 191, Ste 206, Odessa, Texas, 79765

(432) 614-4144